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Heraldry comes from Anglo-Norman herald, from the Germanic compound harja-waldaz, “army commander”. 


Heralds were originally messengers sent by monarchs or noblemen to convey messages or proclamations—in this sense being the predecessors of modern diplomats. In the Hundred Years' War, French heralds challenged King Henry V to fight. During the Battle of Agincourt, the English herald and the French herald, Montjoie, watched the battle together from a nearby hill; both agreed that the English were the victors and Montjoie provided King Henry V, who thus earned the right to name the battle, with the name of the nearby castle.


Like other officers of arms, a herald would often wear a surcoat, called a tabard, decorated with the coat of arms of his master. It was possibly due to their role in managing the tournaments of the Late Middle Ages that heralds came to be associated with the regulation of the knights' coats of arms. Heralds have been employed by kings and large landowners, principally as messengers and ambassadors. Heralds were required to organise, announce and referee the contestants at a tournament. This practice of heraldry became increasingly important and further regulated over the years, and in several countries around the world it is still overseen by heralds. In the United Kingdom heralds are still called upon at times to read proclamations publicly; for which they still wear tabards emblazoned with the royal coat of arms.


To most, though, heraldry is the practice of designing, displaying, describing, and recording coats of arms and heraldic badges. In the SCA There are a variety of types of heralds; “Field Herald” makes announcements on the field, general announcements falls to the “Duty Herald”, the master of ceremonies for court is called the “Court Herald” & the "Escutcheon Herald (Submissions) or Research Herald” handles name, device & armory consultation.
There are other duties performed by heralds, including keeping track of the Awards Lists, and much, much more.


Lord Viktor Vukov is our Field Herald but we have no offcial Escutcheon Herald at this time but you can contact the Midrealm Escutcheon Herald (Submissions) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have questions.
