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What is the SCA?

The Society for Creative Anachronism, or SCA, is an international organization dedicated to researching and re-creating the arts, skills, and traditions of pre-17th-century Europe.  

Members of the SCA study and take part in many activities, including combat (armored & rapier), archery, equestrian activities, costuming, cooking, metalwork, woodworking, music, dance, calligraphy, fiber arts, brewing and much more. If it was done in the Middle Ages or Renaissance, odds are someone is doing it in the SCA.

The goal is to learn through hands on experience and sharing knowledge with othes. The SCA encourages examination, study and recreation of Pre-17 century civilization and most importantly, the intent of preserving a code of conduct, mentality and philosophy that, in many ways, is lacking in the our world.

Feasting, Dancing and Merrymaking

The major activity in the SCA is our events – the chance for us to put on our medieval clothing, cook and serve the recipes we’ve been working on, dance the dances we’ve been practicing, socialize, and have a good time. You can find many SCA events taking place almost every weekend of the year, including: Tournaments, coronations, masked balls, collegiums, and inter-kingdom wars. Activities at events can include fighting, fencing, archery, art exhibits / competitions, indoor games, feasts and Royal or Baronial Court. For a list of events and dates please follow the link to

How you can get involved?

We welcome you to come to our local meetings and events. You are not required to buy a membership before you start attending, although you may wish to join if you decide to be with us regularly. Members do receive perks.

  • Members pay lower entry fees to events. Non members pay an extra $5 non member surcharge.
  • Members also receive a kingdom newsletter and have the ability to subscribe to other publications.
  • By signing the waiver on the membership application, you can speed your check-in at events by presenting your card instead of signing waivers at the door.
  • There are also certainty things you cannot do as a non member. You cannot fight at Crown or serve as an officer at any level.
  • Your membership dollars also support the SCA. Without the member fees it could not exist.

The Shire of the White Waters does not require you to buy a membership. Feel free to join us at any meeting or event. Take a look at the Calendar page to see what’s happening in Our Shire. Or join us on our Facebook page Shire of the White Waters

Be sure to contact our Shire’s Chatelaine at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The Chatelaine will be sure to help you get acquainted with the Shire and any interests you have.

Where to start…

Attending one of the Society’s events is the best method to experience first hand what the SCA is all about. At an event you will most likely experience:

  • Handmade clothing
  • Feasts
  • Classes
  • Fencing & Heavy Armor Fighting
  • Merchants and their wares
  • And more!

Don’t forget the SCA is not only events. Much happens in between. Meetings are a place to meet new people and learn new skills. Feel free to ask about projects you see others working on. Some people are willing to teach as well.

You don’t need to worry about garb for a first event or meeting. Medieval Garb is optional at our Shire meetings and practices. If you wish to have garb for your first event some can be borrowed from the Shire by contacting the Chatelaine. Most garb is made by the Shire members. If you are not interested in borrowing garb, but actually making it, our populace can help you there too!